Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Brutes of Planet Moiromma [Episode #6 "]The Australopithecine Experiment"

The Brutes of Planet Moiromma

[Part of the: Cadaverous Planets]

Episode 6

The Australopithecine Experiment
(Under Planet Moiromma)

On top of the mountain, Git his eyes full of an ancient wonder, one perhaps only his father had seen. He was looking forward to the moment he’d find the vaults, and book, but the giant monument of stone, seeming over 20,000 tons of stone, heaped in a number of circles, with two entrances, he marveled at it. It was 250-feet in diameter, and seven feet tall, each right, it had many tombs on it, perhaps five hundred or more. In the center was a giant alter of sorts, like a grand tomb.
Git went directly to the center tomb; there he found an entrance,
and a lower section, there in one of the rooms he found the book, in a small stone coffin. He opened it, and what he read, and he only read the first scroll, was:

—Scroll One: Historical Data on the Giants and Monument: “(In those far off days)” there were giants here, whom came from Earth of old, the Old Ones, they called them, they with their angelic fathers had built this shrine, tomb or what have you here, it is beyond me. They had run from God, escaping Earth, and in the this time, the underworld was the only place that could contain them, that they new of, they felt safe. It as a time before king Moir, and for the most part, the inhabitants didn’t know much of who they were; a primitive breed they were deed, and the planet was plush with all sorts of foods and animals, and population was ten fold, in comparison to now; the underworld was not frozen but beautiful rivers, this mountain you climbed, was called Mount Nomreh. They had taken earth women, and felt they were able-bodied, and fit for them, in and in spirit and flesh produced a hybrid being, and many grew ugly as sin, and others were giants. Here is where they lived…”

The hides and the paper was old, and (hides from the devil rats).

—Scroll Two: Historical Data on Moiromma (The Great Secret of Moiromma): “When the inhabitants of Moiromma, had to abandon the planet because of a tilt in its orbit, causing the whole planet to become an arctic region (for the most part), they were biologically reconstructed, to produced offspring as well as building into their systems a form of resurrection upon death, that was merely a transformation process (something learned from the Comet Beings or the Old Ones), and regeneration, thus giving them as many as one hundred lives to live, within a period of 500 to 900 years; but this deadened the reproduction system to the females, as we knew it would, and wanted it to, in fear of overpopulating a planet that was almost dead.
“The residue part of her soul would appear on anther planet (upon death), and like vapor transforming into a flesh, one would reappear as a mature creature, in full form on some selected planet, with perhaps a few modifications from the process.”

—Scroll Three: Australopithecine Experiment/or: The Comet People: “The original primitives of Moiromma, the first life on this planet of any intelligence (other than the beings that brought them here), came from another planet, as was the source of Earth’s first primates of any form of reasoning (excluding the Jewish Adam and Eve; prior to them); this group called the Comet People, took the primates from earth, The Australopithecine Experiment they called it, (Cavemen)) ape like beings, of the Pleistocene epoch)), from Earth, and planted them on Moiromma (known to them as the: Primitives of Moiromma). These people or beings came from one of the moons ((from Jupiter perhaps)), they were a universal force, with no DNA (the basic component of life on earth) make up in their biological cells. They also populated Planet SSARG (but with animalistic physical make up, and a scanty formal reasoning capability—perhaps more an experiment). In addition, they perhaps planted seeds liken to these on other planets. This race, extraterrestrial whom seem to go around populating planets, have this mysterious cell structure, and can add and subtract according to planet and environment, living conditions needed, that is perhaps where the DNA comes into play on earth (it was God given)) for they had none, but once given they used it)) perhaps angelic in form)); as all scientists know Moiromma, has a different cell structure, as it has two hearts, and thicker blood, all needed as a kind of antifreeze for its climate.”

—Letter: “The forth scroll, is hidden in another rat skin, and I have not told anyone where it is and it tells of the race that once lived on this beautiful planet, that was more luscious than earth, should I die without telling anyone, it will be of no harm to the seeker of this information (it is the race that was in-between the Giants and the King Moir)): let me explain: first there was the 1) primitives, 2) then the Giants came 3) and somehow there came a third group who mingled with the primitives, I shall call them the Old Ones, or Shinning Ones, they did the zoological transplants 4) and now it is us, the new breed, we are the mixture of them all: Moirommalit’s, for the most part. Of course we are a crossbreed now of our nearby planets, as is Siren the Great, and a few others.”

Authored by Tig the Wise
Taken from the original scrolls of Planet Moiromma.

Note: Written at home, 11/14,2006, Lima, Peru (San Juan, Miraflores)


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